Photos: 38 y.o Nigerian-American, Ada Thompson with gigantic leg is open to dating

A woman who has battled with a giant right leg her entire life refuses to let her condition stop her dancing.
Miss Thompson's disorder has left her unable to work and means she has never met a partner
Ada Thompson, of Tyler, Texas, was born with lymphoedema, which causes the body's tissues to swell. Miss Thompson even had to wear extra-large nappies as a baby when her leg became too large for regular diapers. Now 38, Miss Thompson is unable to work, cannot wear trousers and only leaves her apartment a few times a week. But despite everything, she refuses to let her condition dampen her spirit and can often be found dancing around her living room with the music turned up loud. Miss Thompson - who weighs 460lbs (32st 12lbs) - also blames her condition for her obese frame. Now armed with more confidence, Miss Thompson is open to meeting someone this year.
Pictured when she was younger, Miss Thompson's lymphoedema only affects her right side
Miss Thompson was born with lymphoedema, which causes the body's tissues to swell
Her condition has worsened over the years. Miss Thompson is pictured right as a teenager. At 19 she had a grapefruit-sized mass removed from her leg, but the swelling returned
She even had to wear extra-large nappies as a baby when her right leg became too large for regular diapers
Ada Thompson refuses to stop smiling despite suffering from a giant leg all her life. She is pictured at her apartment in Tyler, Texas, which she only leaves three-to-four times a week
Miss Thompson is known in her local area for her sunny disposition despite all she endures
At home on March 14, Miss Thompson is open to meeting someone this year

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