Man Spends Five Years Living In The Woods Due To Wife’s “Excessive Nagging”

A gardener who got fed-up with his wife left and spent five years living rough in woods. Malcolm Applegate claims he could no longer get on with her after she became unhappy that his hours at work had increased. So the 62-year-old secretly fled and camped out near the community centre where he tended gardens for the elderly.

Malcolm said: “The more work I took on, the angrier my wife got. She didn’t like me being out of the house for long periods of time. I was married for three years, but unfortunately it got too much.
“I decided to leave for good. Without a word to anyone, not even family, I left.”
Malcolm camped in woods at Kingston, South West London. But he now lives at Emmaus, a shelter for homeless in Greenwich where he does odd jobs.

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