Married Zimbabwean Woman Caught Cheating With 7 Men

A CHEATING Mbare woman’s sex chats have been exposed with indications that she pimps several women for clients.

Mildred Tsvanhi’s, 37, chats were exposed by her sister-in-law when she left her phone while going to seek medical attention.

Mildred is married to Andrew Mhumhi, 42, and she left the phone in the hands of her sister-in-law Prudent Mhumhi as she visited the clinic.

Chats with several men and her nude pictures sent to the several men were exposed as Prudent 
went through her phone.

She also acted as a facilitator for dating between several other men and women.

Mildred said she was single and she could not categorically cheat on her ex-husband.

“I’m no longer with Andrew. How can I cheat on my ex-husband? We separated in June this year,” she said.

Andrew and his sister, however, had a different tale saying the two were married but Mildred had moved out of the house.

“She is my wife and I customarily married her in 2002 at her home area in Chiweshe and I do not have any pending arrears with my in-laws.

“I cannot even explain why my wife chose to move out from the family house we used to stay from the day we got married.

“In the chats I found out that she was dating Raymond Manjoro manager at Mwamuka Service Station where I’m also employed as a general hand.

“Uyu ndiye munhu anyanyondirwadza pavanhu vese handidi kunyepa. I’m always with him every day at work, we eat and have beers together but I never knew kuti aiseva pandosevawo.

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