Exclusive: Top Nollywood actress, Tokunbo beaten black & blue by her cousin, an upcoming singer

A budding Nollywood actress known as Tokunbo, Iyawo Lawyer Kekere, real name Nadine Nnenim sent us an Email this morning claiming her cousin, Supersonic Blaze real name Precious Ewa who is an aspiring singer attacked her a couple of days ago, right in her home and right in the presence of her young daughter.

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She attached shots of what she uploaded on her Facebook page, her photos before and after the domestic attack, her photos at the police station, and pics of her on set with other notable Nollywood stars.
According to Tokunbo who has starred in many movies such as Abelejayan, Emeer, Onikola, Flatmates, City of Interest and Eko Wenjele, she reported this domestic violence case in a police station in Lagos, today.
Tokunbo is also a fashion designer and make up artist, (@SaneCouture) on Instagram.

She wrote:
Wanted to post this yesterday,but I lost my Cousin.....so it was not the right time.....still not,but i have to share thisMy Cousin came around and everything was all good.......I suddenly at some point heard him shouting at someone,with a very venomous voice....very deep hurtful words.....ahn ahn....I suddenly called my daughter, since she was the one in the kitchen where the noise was coming from....and she confirmed she was the one being yelled at.....shuuuuu.....someone shouting at a nine year old like that? Using cuss words?.....Knowing who he is,a lunatic,and I was packing, getting ready to take my daughter to the Airport,I just kinda waved it aside.....I said to my daughter..... Go continue with your laundry........Fast forward the next few seconds, in front on my daughter,I just saw someone flying at me like a demon, punching me,punching me like John Cena......accusing me of being the one telling my daughter to disrespect him.....and for anyone that knows my daughter,she has respect on another level,but we are in an age where adults try to shut kids up and intimidate them,trying to put fear in them,equating fear with respect.....And let me assume she disrespect you, she's nine.....and what have I got to do with this?.Chaos everywhere.....pandemonium
While this was happening, like a dream,I was staring at my scissors,at my screw driver.....should I stab him in the neck? Chest?.... Will that be self defense? What if I kill him?many thoughts going through my head.....I was thinking, but someone else wasn't
What was my crime? Nothing..... Some one just decided to take out his frustrations on me, to violate me in front of my child....... Because he could
I'm not seeking pity,I'm need justice..... I am against Domestic Violence..... Cousin or not,I want to deal with this
I felt the need to defend myself, but I could have killed him and then,would I have a case? When men attack women,do they think we don't know what to do? Why do people raise their hands on an adult like them? How can one feel so small? So insecure? A raised voice rubs me the wrong way,now talk of a fist? What are our men turning into........y'all gotta help me out here yo! I'm not taking this sitting down...... The other picture is of me at the airport, hiding behind a ton of make up......I'm really angry right now...its been two days,because I've been busy, is it too late to go the Police Station? Will I get justice there? Where should I go,what should I do
While this was happening, like a dream,I was staring at my scissors,at my screw driver.....should I stab him in the neck? Chest?.... Will that be self defense? What if I kill him?many thoughts going through my head.....I was thinking, but someone else wasn'tWhat was my crime? Nothing..... Some one just decided to take out his frustrations on me, to violate me in front of my child....... Because he couldI'm not seeking pity,I'm need justice..... I am against Domestic Violence..... Cousin or not,I want to deal with thisI felt the need to defend myself, but I could have killed him and then,would I have a case? When men attack women,do they think we don't know what to do? Why do people raise their hands on an adult like them? How can one feel so small? So insecure? A raised voice rubs me the wrong way,now talk of a fist? What are our men turning into........y'all gotta help me out here yo! I'm not taking this sitting down...... The other picture is of me at the airport, hiding behind a ton of make up......I'm really angry right now...its been two days,because I've been busy, is it too late to go the Police Station? Will I get justice there? Where should I go,what should I do?

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The attacked/abused, Nadine Nnenim aka Tokunbo:
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The alleged attacker/abuser, Precious Ewa aka Supersonic Blaze:
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Tokunbo on set:
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