Former Fox News alleges President Trump tried kissing her

A former Fox News anchor claims President Donald Trump attempted to kiss her in 2005 or 2006 – which was just after he had married First Lady Melania Trump.

Juliet Huddy said the alleged incident took place in an elevator of Trump Tower after the two had lunch together.

Huddy, who now hosts a radio show on WABC Radio, revealed on Mornin’!!! with Bill Schulz on Thursday she rebuffed the real estate mogul.

“He took me for lunch at Trump Tower, just us two,” she said, according to Page Six. “He said goodbye to me in an elevator while his security guy was there, rather than kiss me on the cheek he leaned in to kiss me on the lips.”“I wasn’t offended. I was kind of like, ‘Oh my God.'”

Trump married Melania in January 2005.
Huddy did not realize Trump was married and just believed he was a single man making a move.

“At the time I was not offended by it, I thought he was a single man and leaned in for a kiss… maybe he thought, ‘She’s been out to lunch with me and maybe she is interested,'” she added,
Trump joked about the incident when he appeared on Huddy’s Fox News morning show years later.

“Trump was a guest and he came on stage,” she explained. “He said, to the audience and producers, not on camera, ‘I tried hitting on her but she blew me off.’ He was laughing.”

"Now I have matured I think I would say, ‘Whoa, no,'" she said. "But at the time I was younger and I was a little shocked. I thought maybe he didn't mean to do it, but I was kind of making excuses."

Huddy left Fox News' local New York station in 2011 after the network gave her a settlement in exchange for a promise that she would not speak publicly about O'Reilly making unwanted sexual advances toward her.

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