Mother Surprised After Giving Birth To This “Record Breaking Baby”

A mother has revealed her surprise after her baby was born weighing 14.1 pounds and measuring a huge 55 centimetres in length. Isaac David Guerra Machacon is thought to be a ‘record breaking baby’ for his unusually big size in Columbia.

He is reported to require around seven feeds of breast milk per day and uses nappies meant for five-month-old infants.

His parents had to buy new clothes and nappies because nothing they had bought fitted him.

Isaac’s mum Diana Machacon was surprised by her son’s size.

She said: “I really did not expect him to be this big. I mean, he looked big on the ultrasound scan, but I never imagined quite so large. “I am over the moon and Isaac is so beautiful, but most of all I am happy because he is healthy.”

The baby boy was born at 10am on December 2 at the Cienaga Polyclinic in the northern department of Magdalena, Columbia.

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