No Time! Jeremy Meeks' Estranged Wife Puts Him & His Attorney On Blast

Jeremy Meeks' estranged wife has put him and his attorney on blast for slut shaming her, and going MIA on his son financially and otherwise.

Melissa Meeks just filed legal docs asking for child support and says he stopped paying for his kid.

She says he left her to pursue his modeling career while she's left caring for their son, and she wants money from him. She says she's going broke paying the bills.

She also throws shade on Jeremy's attorney, Vicki Greene, saying, "Shame on Ms. Greene for attempting to slut shame me."

Melissa says Jeremy and Vicki criticized her for talking about her private parts on a reality TV show.

She blasts Jeremy as a hypocrite, saying, "Jeremy struts around on a catwalk in his underwear and that's ok for our son to see, but my attempts to help shape my public image are wrong?? I would not even have a public image if not for Jeremy's tabloid adventures."

She adds, "I am shocked that Jeremy and his attorney attempt to slut shame me as they do."

Melissa says in the 130 days since they've separated he's only had their son for 30 days.

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