Woman jailed for riding naked on motorcycle, performing a sex act and punching blind man

A woman who was caught riding naked on a motorcycle, performing a sex act on a high street shopper and punching a blind man in the chest has been jailed.

Natasha Claus, 36, arrived at court four hours late and appeared before Judge Peter Ross, who jailed her immediately and imposed a criminal behaviour order which means she has been barred from the entire town of Woking, Surrey.

According to Daily Mail,he admitted charges including outraging public decency which followed being caught by a high street shopper in the middle of a sexual act with a man which Judge Ross said was 'no doubt for money'.

He sent repeat offender Claus to jail for 13 months for a string of offences including breaching a previous suspended jail term.

Prosecutor John Upton said:
 'The police believe that Ms Claus has a habit of befriending vulnerable men and taking advantage of them.
'Nigel Coates was one of these. The council later threatened to evict him from his one bedroomed flat because of her anti-social behaviour.

They had arguments which escalated over various phone calls. She then approached him in the kitchen with either a fist or the palm of her hand. He couldn't tell as he is registered blind.

'She started shouting at him and threatened to set her brothers and mother on him.'

The court also heard how she also assaulted two police officers as they tried to arrest her.

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