Woman openly admits she loves her dog more than her only child

Woman openly admits she loves her dog more than her only child

A woman says she loves her cockapoo Lola more than anything else in the world – including her young son. Helena Mueller, 38, says she devotes her life to making sure her pet wants for nothing and has spent £1,000 on the dog’s Christmas presents this year – buying Lola more presents than her six-year-old Harry.

She says she got Lola in 2015 because Harry was an only child and says she has since become ‘obsessed’ with the dog. ‘We do everything together. I am obsessive, I don’t disturb her if she’s asleep,’ Helena said. ‘Is she’s cuddled up on me on the sofa and I want something, I call Mark and make him get it. Mark says “aren’t your legs working?” and I’m like “I’m not going to disturb Lola.”‘

Woman openly admits she loves her dog more than her only child
Helena, from Cambridgeshire, has matching pyjamas and jackets with her dog and even says she comes first ahead of her son and husband. ‘I took a week off from work when Lola had her spaying operation, but when Harry has a cold I’m just like “off you go then”. ‘My husband’s view is happy wife, happy life – he knows where he comes in the pecking order, it goes Lola, Harry, him.’ Lola’s pampering treatments include hour long grooming sessions which cost £150 a month – paid for from the dog’s own bank account. Helena has even created a folder of thousands of photos of the animal and took her son out of school for a family photo session ‘I would rather that Harry wasn’t able to spell ‘table’ when he’s 20 than have a gap in the family photo,’ she said.

‘There was just no way I was doing it without Lola – she’s the centre of my life.’ The mum-of-one openly admits Lola will get more gifts than Harry on Christmas day, saying: ‘You know, Lola never moans about homework and she never complains about what’s for dinner.’ She even admitted: ‘I do love my Lola more than Harry.’ And just to be clear – this dog will have a better Christmas than you.

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