Photo: Regina Askia has a message for Nigeria as she poses with a fellow nurse in hijab

One time Most Beautiful Girl In Nigeria (MBGN) and Nollywood actress, Regina Askia who is now a US based nurse took to her Facebook page to pass a very important message to Nigeria and Nigerians.
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, closeup
She shared the pic below which she captioned:

The time for change has indeed come. Those who stand in the way of peaceful change are poised to suffer the less peaceful consequences of a violent inevitability.
For years, greed, corruption, moral laxity, ineptitude etc has held our nation in a vice grip. Our social fabric has fallen so far from grace that we a once proud people loved and respected the world over now bear the tag “citizens of shithole nations” chaiii
Many who fought against these vices are resting restless in the cemetery.
Nigeria!! Since we have refused to embrace a change for the better, it is set to foist itself on us.
Herdsmen murdering with impunity, South east agitating for state hood, brother rising against brother in the name of religion, christian vs the muslim, is it not the same God? We rise against each other in the name of cultural entitlement, guys we are all black people, we are AFRICANS. Do you remember Rwanda ( a massive genocide of Hutus against the Tutsies because of some flawed ideology of cultural entitlement). Where is the sanctity of life where people in the streets are matcheted to death with no thought nor fear of reprisals
Carpet baggers at the helm of affairs not only rob the nation blind but block progress so they can maintain the status quo and keep the petro dollars in their pockets. STILL!! I touted for a change for the better for the people but my heart bleeds to see pregnant women mowed down with their babies at their side as they worked in their farms trying to make a living. Worse still state security agencies are unable to investigate and get to the bottom of these breeches to find the sponsors of these mercenary occupiers and perpetrators and bring them to book.
Survival now depends on how many some can swindle, from excessive profit loading to outright armed robbery. We can fix it. We will fix it or be swept away like every institution who fought against change that benefits the people.
Its is our sheer size that make us a powerful force as per market economy. It is our cohesive diversity that makes us the template of “Black Africa” civilization and culture. It is our unique Nigerian style, pride, verve, “indomitability”, and our “na u sabi” kind of focus that make the world take notice where ever we land, as in Yes, a Nigerian was here.
Africa is the last bus stop when it comes to vast natural resources and pristine abundance of flora and fauna. The world is watching and they need what we have. If you cannot get your house in order and share what you have in ways that will benefit your people and societies others will show you how to do it as in take it and make you pay to enjoy it. Examples abound, a word is enough for the wise.
Are we going to sacrifice all of oir African identity on the alter of vengance, entitlement, anger, self service and at the end of the day perpetuate evil?
We were raised to fix what was broken, not throw it away....
There is no stopping “change” whose time has come because power has always and will always belong to the people.
Take back your country. Take it back. Not through unnecessary loss of lives, nor destruction nor mayhem.
Speak up, register to vote, organize a cohesive front and demand for changes, run for office, run scared, run hard, just RUN for office, rebuild your communities and flower where you are planted.
Nigeria!! The time has come. There is so much to do and no time for bickering. Let Muslims and Chistians and indeed our indigenous religions reassert a brotherhood to rebuild and reunite our divided house.
Let Nigeria once again be giant of Africa
The time is now.
Regina Askia Williams (FNP)
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, closeup

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