At the stroke of midnight on Sunday, Saudi women were legally allowed to drive for the first time

24 June 2018 was always going to be a historic day - the day that women in Saudi Arabia have finally been given the right to legally drive, after a long fight for it.
Saudi women celebrated taking the wheel for the first time in decades Sunday as the kingdom overturned the world's only ban on female motorists, a historic reform expected to usher in a new era of social mobility.
The much-trumpeted move is part of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's plan to modernise the conservative petrostate -- but it has been dented by the jailing of female activists who long opposed the driving ban. Women in Riyadh and other cities began zipping around streets bathed in amber light soon after the ban was lifted at midnight, with some blasting music from behind the wheel.
The lifting of the decades-long ban is expected to be transformative for many women (AFP Photo/FAYEZ NURELDINE)
Congratulations to them!

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