Timi Frank Writes Open Letter To President Buhari Cherry

Timi Frank writes
Outgoing Deputy National Publicity Secretary of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Comrade Timi Frank, has written an open letter to President Buhari.
In the letter, he admonished him to ensure that the rule of law and respect for democratic
processes are upheld.
Read the letter below:
“Dear Sir,
“It is with great delight that I write this open letter to you, Mr. President, and wish to congratulate you and all Nigerians for the great honour done to late chief MKO Abiola and his running mate, with the conferment of GCFR and GCON on them respectively, whilst not forgetting others who stood gallantly in reclaiming the JUNE 12 MANDATE against all odds.
“Indeed, this great gesture has soothed the open sore of the June 12 struggle and has began the process of healing the wounds of those dark days, whilst bringing succour to the souls of the departed who fought against dictatorship and tyranny in a bid to reclaiming the lost mandate of the Nigerian people.
“Suffice to say, Mr. President, that it is no coincidence that this laudable gesture has been achieved 25 years after all hopes of restoring the mandate appeared to have been dashed indefinitely.
“Having recognized the need and finally put to rest this dark episode in our country’s history, I humbly urge you to take the subsequent step in declaring Chief Abiola as President (Posthumously) and further recognising all the key players who played different roles in the actualization of democracy during those trying times, and of course, those who also paid the ultimate price for freedom with their sacred lives.
“It is no gainsaying to say the least that Nigerians will forever remain grateful to you for standing up and putting to rest the June 12 imbroglio, irrespective of dissenting opinions.
“It will be wise to conclude, therefore sir, that this great feat will usher in a new Nigeria where all the main ingredients to sustaining and entrenching democracy will become the norm in our daily lives, spearheaded by those in power at all times.
“The lessons of June 12 and what it meant to Nigerians should be the bedrock of our democracy, as anything short of this will rubbish the very intention for which the honours were conceived ab initio.
“Furthermore, Mr President, having been a lone voice in criticizing the activities of your administration, despite being a member of the APC, many will wonder what the true intent of this Open Letter may convey, but be rest assured sir, that only those who mean well for this country will speak up when wrong is being painted as right.
“The CHANGE mantra upon which this administration was voted into power massively by Nigerians, irrespective of ethnic, religious and social affiliations, is fast eroding away and I’m afraid, sir, that if nothing is done to Right the Wrong, then the Hopes and Aspirations which had ushered in a brighter tomorrow will end up in Regret and Despair.
“That I have decided to speak up against the current ills in the system attest to the fact that, it is only when people speak up that True Change will eventually occur.
“The resilience and belief in the June 12 Struggle attest to the fact that those who fought for democracy in Nigeria believed in the truest meaning of democracy in all its ramifications.
“A country where the RULE OF LAW, FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND ASSOCIATION, UPHOLDING THE RIGHTS OF EVERY CITIZEN AND ABOVE ALL RESPECT FOR FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS was and is the very pillar upon which Chief MKO ABIOLA and several others paid the ultimate price with their lives.
“Anything short of this will amount to MILITOCRACY or DICTATORSHIP as it were. The lack of adherence to these social rights, I must admit, are very prevalent in this administration and seems to be growing larger by the day.
“These ills are reminiscent of and a sad reminder of the Junta days, with many regretting their actions of voting the APC into power.
“It will be pertinent, Mr. President sir, to proceed on a personal fact finding mission to the Nigerian streets, irrespective of bias, to find out the true reflections and opinions of Nigerians toward your administration.
“The flagrant disregard for the Rule of Law, Disobeying of Court Orders, Acute Nepotism, Selective Persecution, and Lack of Transparency are some of the ills very prevalent in the nation today.
“The various reports from Amnesty International and the U.S. Department of State have gravely indicted this administration.
“It is in this vein, Mr. President, that I urge you to give regard to the Rule of Law as the continuous incarceration of perceived enemies, without obedience to court orders, has become an enormous albatross confronting your government.
“Many a people believe that the duo of Sheikh EL Zak Zaky and the erstwhile NSA, Colonel Sambo Dasuki (rtf), are some of the personal witch-hunt of your administration, and therefore having preached peace and reconciliation during the Holy Month of Ramadan, Nigerians would be interested to see if they will be set free, to at least allow for the Rule of Law take its course.
“The infighting within the National Assembly and the clamp down on opposition voices is clearly in sharp contrast to the democracy that was envisaged and clamoured for by Nigerians before your inception.
“As we draw near to another election year, it will be beneficial to your administration that these concerns are vigorously addressed, so as to usher in a ray of hope for a better Nigeria as envisioned by MKO Abiola himself.
“The EKITI and OSUN elections will be a litmus test for all Nigerians to attest, if indeed, what is to come in 2019 will be anything to go by. Having preached peace and perseverance to all Nigerians, your actions or inactions will be very vital as we approach these elections.
“I would conclude by leaving you with this words that: “If the position is that the June 12th sensationalism is beyond the personification of Chief MKO Abiola GCFR, and more about the memorial and honour of the protagonist that advocated and sacrificed for democratic tenets, then the moral, socio-political, and emotional modus operandi of its proponents must unequivocally demonstrate the Rule of Law, which is intrinsically the Blood of Democracy. Any move, in whatever class, shade, or shape that is short of upholding the Rule of Law is simply shenanigans.
“No matter who and how many people approve of the gesture. God loves, because He is Love. Also, God gives Justice, because he is just.” Copied.
“With best regards.
“Yours sincerely,
“Comrade Timi Frank
“Deputy National Publicity Secretary
“All Progressives Congress

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