Photos: Olateju Oyelakin aka Teju Babyface shares an inspiring & motivating story

The comedian and his wife had their first issue ( a set of twins) a few months ago, after waiting on the Lord for like 5 years.

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Olateju Oyelakin aka Teju Babyface went online to reign accolades on his wife, Tobi Banjoko-Oyelakin and to encourage people to be patient and always trust God.
He wrote:

I was obsessed with beauty as a young man. Ah, I just had to marry a hot wife o. My father was quite concerned about this and cautioned me over and again.
'It takes much more than beauty son; You need a woman of strength and humility', he would say.
I can't claim I really listened. All I can say is that I somehow got lucky and stumbled into you @tobibanjokooyelakin . And then we got married with the same dreams of starting a family that nearly every couple has. Our families too were waiting. Especially mine. After all, my dad passed away just a few months before we got married and we wanted a (new) child to soothe our pain.
And then it didn't happen. Not in the first year. Or 2nd. Or 3rd. Or 4th. And year 5 started and was almost ending the same way. Ah! And yet in all that time I only saw you cry one time. Just once. Very short tears. Not even when someone wrote the most cruelest of comments to a picture you posted on social media in our 4th year of marriage did you cry in my presence. Mostly, you would smile and laugh over the aching and longing and say 'God will do it'.
I confess now that sometimes I doubted. But you were right and God honoured your faith with double. May the joy He has given you never be taken from you and may His words remain true concerning us that 'it was said among the nations that see what the Lord has done for them'.
For all who are waiting on the Lord, I say this to you: hold Him to His word! He promised it to you and you must demand it in faith. He will come through. He ALWAYS does for He does not lie. It's impossible. Ahan, He's not a son of man that he should lie...
(an excerpt from an upcoming project. Watch out!).
Dress by @divineendowments. #BabaIbeji #mamaibeji #BabaTwins#mamatwins #AwesomeGod #GratefulParents @tobibanjokooyelakin. Pic by @sholaanimashaun
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Image may contain: text
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, text
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sitting

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