Photo: 40 y.o mother of 5 dies after sex romp in Ogun, her 28 y.o lover arrested

A 28-year-old man, Kelvin Michael, has been arrested following the death of his lover, Monsurat Idowu, 40, after a sex romp in Ogun State.
Woman dies after sex romp in Ogun, lover arrested
Michael was arrested on Wednesday at Ota, after he reportedly took Idowu, a mother of five, to the State Hospital and could not explain what happened to her. It was gathered that one Benjamin Okereke, a hospital worker, had contacted the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) in Onipanu, Sangobiyi Johnson, a Superintendent of Police (SP), to report that a woman was brought in dead by a young man who could not explain the circumstances of her death.

According to the police, detectives were deployed to the hospital and the suspect was arrested.

The command’s spokesman, Abimbola Oyeyemi, a Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP), confirmed the incident. He said: “On interrogation, the suspect claimed to have met the deceased last month in a bus at Ketu, Lagos, where they exchanged phone numbers. “Consequently he invited her to the house of his friend in Ota, where the deceased suddenly slumped and died shortly after they finished having sexual intercourse. “The husband of the deceased, one Idowu Lamidi, a commercial driver, who was quickly contacted told the police that he left his wife in the house hale and hearty while going out for work and wondered what led to her untimely death. “The Commissioner of Police, Ahmed Iliyasu, has ordered the immediate transfer of the case to Homicide Section, State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department (SCIID), for discreet investigation.

The deceased has been deposited at the mortuary for post mortem examination.”

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