Let’s save Bunmi Ashebu! Let's help this former GLO staff beat this Cancer

To know Bunmi is to love her.
Bunmi is the kindest and most selfless person who is always willing to be there and give herself sacrificially to everyone.
Now she needs our help.
Bunmi lives a very healthy and active lifestyle with medical check ups done every 6 months, so imagine our shock when on the 23rd of May, 2018 we got the worst news anyone could imagine. Bunmi was diagnosed with stage 4 cholangiocarcinoma.
A very rare form of bile duct cancer that had spread to her liver. We refused to accept that the life of this amazing 42 year old would be cut short, so we sought a second opinion in Germany. The German hospitals gave us hope for chemo and surgery but after 6 weeks, we were hit with more bad news. Bunmi was reacting to the chemotherapy and her organs were failing. They told us there was nothing to be done and Doctors gave us more bad news on the 20th of August, 2018; she had one week to live.

We kept our faith firm in God so we knew we could not give up on Bunmi. We moved her to a private clinic in Dornstetten, Germany where she has started treatment with hopes of Immunotherapy. Her family and friends have spent about EUR200,000 since she was diagnosed but now we need your help. The hospital is requesting for immediate additional payments or they would stop Bunmis treatment. We need at least EUR150,000 to proceed with her immunotherapy treatment and cover the cost of her stay in this clinic. Every donation you make including helping us spread the word to those in a position to help towards this cause will really make a difference.

Please let's come together and help Bunmi beat Cancer. Thank you so much and May God Bless you. *My name is Vicky from Nigeria and Bunmi is my older sister.

The funds will be used for Bunmi's chemotherapy and immunotherapy treatment in Germany.

Please click HERE to donate.
OR pay into these accounts:

Name: Victoria Ashebu
Account Numbers:
0119461782 (USD)
0150567153 (NGN)
Bank: GTBank

Thank you.

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