String of suspicious packages addressed to the Obamas, Clintons, Wasserman Schultz, prominent Democrats & CNN

The office of Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz was evacuated after a suspicious package was mailed to the premises.
This news comes after similar packages were sent to the Clintons, the Obamas and the CNN offices. Authorities have intercepted suspicious devices intended for former President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and the Florida office of Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was evacuated Wednesday after a suspicious package was mailed there.
Also, CNN's New York bureau in the Time Warner Center was evacuated after a package with an explosive device, addressed to former CIA Director John Brennan, was discovered, city and local law enforcement officials said.

In addition, sources told CNN that a suspicious package intended for California Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters was intercepted at a congressional mail screening facility in Maryland; New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo received what he said was a device at his Manhattan office; and the San Diego Union-Tribune evacuated its building after "suspicious looking packages" were spotted outside. The developments, which unfolded rapidly and continued steadily into the afternoon, touched off fear and confusion and immediately invited questions about the motives of those responsible. The recipients of the packages are all prominent targets of right-wing criticism and, in many cases, of President Donald Trump himself.

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