Photos: At last, I get an invitation here in the UAE, mash'Allah!!!

So I got back from the office this evening and after removing my make up and changing to something simple, I discovered that I NEEDED something for myself which I could only get in a corner store, and the nearest corner store to mine is some distance, so while walking there, I spotted this villa very close to mine, decorated with what looked like #Christmas lights!
Image may contain: 1 person, standing and outdoor
I knew an Arab family lived in the villa so in my mind, I was like, maybe they lit it up for Christmas.
Luckily for me, on my way back, I saw 2 pretty Arab ladies in a white car parked in front of the villa and I asked them if the villa was theirs and they said YES!
I also asked them politely if I could take pics of their house and they said YES!
I again asked if I could put the pics on Social Media (knowing the rules in the UAE), and the ladies were like ''Why not, as long as they were not in the pics''!
That was fine with me.
As I was positioning myself about to take me a selfie with the villa as the background, one of the ladies now came down from the stationed car and asked if she could take the pics.
I was surprised how nice she was.
So, trust me to ask questions ( I can be nosy sometimes, LOL)!
Seeing this young pretty Arab lady in her Hijab and Abaya, I asked if they were also celebrating Christmas, and she was like ''No, it's her engagement this Friday''!
I was like WOW!
I then congratulated her and gave her a hug and maybe because she saw the authenticity in my happiness for her, she now invited me to her engagement.
I told her how excited I was because that would be my first Arab party since I relocated to the UAE 5 years ago.
She took my telephone number and said I am most welcome to her engagement party on Friday, the 21st of December, 2018 from 4pm to 8pm.
She then added: ''Just you though, no guys ehn''!

I said O.K!
Which guy was I gonna go there with anyways?! Tehehehe....

I told her I would not be wearing an Abaya and she laughed and said it was okay and that it will be a proper party and that I should not worry, there'll be dinner, music, dance etc.
She even added that 'normal' music like Chris Brown will be played.
I was like WAWU!

I really can't wait to experience this.

Friday, come already, Insha Allah.

Not to worry TOYsters, I will tell you guys all about it, trust me.

Toyeen B. xx
Image may contain: 1 person, standing and outdoor

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