Photos: Meet Slovakia's first female president, 45 y.o Zuzana Caputova

Liberal lawyer Zuzana Caputova has become Slovakia's first female president despite having almost no political experience.
The environmental activist drew on themes of corruption, framing the election as a struggle between good and evil. Change in political style was also a main theme ahead of the run-off vote, which took place a year after journalist Jan Kuciak, who investigated high-profile fraud cases, and his fiancée were murdered at their home. The pro-EU political novice had 58.3 per cent of the votes after results from 98.1 per cent of voting districts were counted, ahead of European commissioner Maros Sefcovic who took 41.7 per cent. Sefcovic, a respected diplomat who is also pro-EU, is backed by the ruling party Smer, the largest grouping in parliament that has dominated Slovak politics since 2006. Caputova, who was the front runner having won the first round more than 20 percentage points ahead of Sefcovic, campaigned to end what she calls the capture of the state 'by people pulling strings from behind,' a message that opinion polls show resonates with younger, educated voters.
The 45-year old member of a liberal non-parliamentary Progressive Slovakia party -- which she pledged to leave if elected -- has been endorsed by opposition parties and a junior party in the ruling coalition that represents the ethnic Hungarian minority, as well as outgoing President Andrej Kiska.
Caputova stood on a pro-EU platform and framed the debate in terms of good and evil
Caputova (pictured) has become the first female president in Slovakia's history
The pro-European Union, liberal lawyer (pictured addressing supporters in acknowledgment of the second round's results) is Slovakia's first female president
Map shows female heads of state and governments after the election victory of Zuzana Caputova in Slovakia:

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