Photos: Popular Nollywood actor, MC & Comedian, Oliver Duke aka Bishop Linchung dies in car crash after burying his mum

It was with great shock and apprehension that friends, family and well wishers received the news of the sudden death of popular TV act Oliver Duke AKA Bishop Linchung.

Duke had travelled for his mother's burial which he had successfully completed and was on his way back to Lagos only for him to meet his untimely exit via a car crash. The death was announced by Basorge Tariah Jnr on Tuesday 2nd April.
While speaking about the tragic passing of the ‘Do Good’ star, Basorge Tariah Jnr wrote “I am so speechless and so sad. You were such a lovely soul. You smile, you play and never complained. You leave a vacuum that most of the world cannot fill. I will miss so much, it burns my heart. Sleep! Sleep great and awesome Talent. Sleep.”
Duke Oliver, the easy going, cheerful fellow is widely referred to as LinChung and Sylvanus for his role in 'Do Good' series, a Basorge Tariah Jnr production.
Currently in critical condition is Richman Ukpong a camera man who was in the same car with the now late Linchung.
It is hoped that Richman recovers without any complications.

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