The world’s first long-term Cultural Visa has been launched in Dubai

Underpinning the cultural foundations of Dubai is our visionary leader His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai.

Constantly stimulating growth, H.H Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum is paving the way for new talent among the art world to reside in the UAE, unveiling a new long-term cultural visa system on Tuesday.
Set to attract visionaries, writers, artists and creators from all around the world and spark interest from local Arab entrepreneurs, the new vision includes the outlay and development of a creative free zone in Al Quoz.
The aim is to entice those in the cultural sector to be part of a community where members will be offered support regarding their projects from inception and encouraged to promote their work amongst other pioneers in the field. This new directive is set to cement Al Quoz as the cultural hub of Dubai bringing futher attention and growth to the already established Alserkal Avenue. The creative initiative will see over 15 projects come to life, such as the cultural visa, Al Quoz free zone, literature season and a festival to celebrate the new global cultural innovation effort.
Young people throughout the UAE are buzzing with the new creative prospects being offered to them, and we’re excited to get involved once the roll out of Dubai’s Cultural Vision commences.

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اعتماد صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم اليوم لرؤية دبي الثقافية الجديدة يأذن ببدء حركة تطويرية شاملة للمشهد الإبداعي في الإمارة، وانطلاقة قوية نرسّخ بها مكانة دبي مركزاً عالمياً للثقافة وملتقى رئيس للمواهب المبدعة. فيزا طويلة الأمد للمبدعين، ومنطقة حرة للإبداع في القوز ومهرجان للاحتفاء بثقافات الشعوب وموسم عالمي للآداب، بين 17 مبادرة هدفها إثراء الحركة الإبداعية وتأكيد المكانة الرائدة لدبي ودولة الإمارات في الأوساط الثقافية العربية والعالمية. سنعمل في إطار الرؤية الجديدة على مضافرة الجهود ومد جسور التعاون مع كل من يملك المقومات الداعمة لأهدافها لتفعيل منظومة عمل جماعية تحقق الغايات الاستراتيجية المرجوة نحو إحداث حراك ثقافي واسع النطاق وإيجابي الأثر. —————————————————————————— @HHShkMohd’s approval today of Dubai’s new cultural vision marks the beginning of the comprehensive advancement of the emirate’s creative scene, while also being a strong stimulus to establish Dubai as a global centre for culture and a forum for creative talent.‬ A long-term visa for creatives, a free zone for creativity in Al Quoz, a festival to celebrate various cultures and a season dedicated to global literature are among 17 initiatives aimed highlighting Dubai and the UAE’s leading positions in Arab & international cultural circles.‬ We will work within the framework of this new vision and join efforts with those who have the proficiency to support its objectives. The desired strategic goal is to create a broad cultural movement from Dubai that leaves a positive imprint on the world.
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