Former President Jimmy Carter, 95, hospitalized to relieve pressure on his brain

Former President Jimmy Carter was hospitalized on Monday for a procedure to relieve pressure on his brain, caused by bleeding due to his recent falls, a spokesperson said.
Carter, the oldest living ex-U.S. president, was admitted to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta on Monday evening ahead of the procedure, which is scheduled to take place Tuesday morning.
A spokesperson for the family said he was "resting comfortably, and his wife, Rosalynn, is with him." Carter, 95, was recently hospitalized after fracturing his pelvis on Oct. 21. -- the most recent of three falls this year. Carter had to get stitches above his brow after falling at his ranch house in rural Plains, Georgia, on Oct. 6.
And in May, he underwent surgery after falling and breaking his hip while he was leaving to go turkey hunting.

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