Michelle Obama beats Melania Trump in 'Most Admired Woman' while Barack & Donald tie in the men's category

President Donald Trump and his Democratic predecessor Barack Obama have tied for the title of America’s most admired man in 2019 - a result indicative of the country's increasing political polarity.
President Donald Trump and his presidential predecessor Barack Obama have tied for the title of America¿s most admitted man, an annual survey conducted by Gallup has confirmed
Eighteen percent of the US voters quizzed in Gallup's annual survey nominated Donald Trump as the man ‘living today in any part of the world’ that they admired most, while another 18 percent of voters also named former president Obama as a man of optimum acclaim. No other name on the open-ended ballot – which included former President Jimmy Carter, Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders – was mentioned by more than two percent of respondents. The results of the poll, which was carried out in the first two weeks of December, were split sharply along partisan lines - with 45 percent of Republicans selecting Trump for the top honor, and 41 percent of Democrats giving Obama the nod.

Among America’s most admired women, former first lady Michelle Obama claimed the prize spot for the second year in a row and was the only woman to achieve double-digit support, securing 10 percent of the vote. Current first lady Melania Trump finished second this year, mentioned only by five percent of voters - half the amount of Obama. Melania did however fair better than Oprah Winfrey, former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and climate change activist Greta Thunberg, who all were named by 3 percent of respondents.

Most Top 10 Finishes in Gallup's Most Admired Man Poll

1. Billy Graham 61
2. Ronald Reagan 31
3. Jimmy Carter 29
4. Pope John Paul II 27
5. Bill Clinton 26
6. Dwight Eisenhower 21
7. Richard Nixon 21
8. George H.W. Bush 20
9. Harry Truman 20
10. Nelson Mandela 20 

Most Admired Man 2019: Overall and by Party 

Barack Obama 
US Adults:                      Democrats:                  Independents:          Republicans:  

Donald Trump 
US Adults:                     Democrats:                 Independents:           Republicans: 
SourceGallup News
Culled From Daily Mail

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