2 new cases of #Coronavirus confirmed in the #UAE

The UAE has confirmed two new cases of the novel coronavirus infection, according to the Ministry of Health and Prevention, taking the total number of cases to seven.
The infected patients - a Filipino and a Chinese - are said to be in a stable state.
A four-member Chinese family and another Chinese national - all five from the city of Wuhan where the virus originated - were the previous confirmed cases in the UAE.
The Ministry pointed out that the number of cases detected in the UAE was very low and that there is no cause for concern, adding that the health care system in the country is strong enough to combat the disease. The UAE is adhering to WHO's directives in dealing with the cases detected.
Last week, the World Health Organisation declared the coronavirus epidemic an international public health emergency.
Image may contain: possible text that says 'CNN Philippines How to protect yourself and others from coronaviruses Wash your hands often with soap and water for least 20 seconds Avoid touching unwashed hands eyes, nose, or mouth with people coughing show respiratory sneezing) Avoid close contact illness symptoms Thoroughly cook meat and eggs Cover your mouth nose with tissue when you cough sneeze, then wash your hands Clean Seek (especially you disinfect objects and surfaces you flu-like travelled from Wuhan, China) CENTERS WORLD HEALTH CONTROL PREVENTION DEPARTMENT FHEALTH'

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