Here's the WhatsApp hotline for UAE residents to message for #coronavirus concerns

As the number of coronavirus cases rise in the country on Monday, Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (SEHA) has introduced a helpline number to provide immediate assistance to people to deal with the situation.
"We've established a dedicated WhatsApp number to respond to all your coronavirus (Covid-19) queries and point you in the right direction. Get in touch at +971563713090," SEHA said.
The general public can make use of the WhatsApp number to clear any doubts regarding the present situation. Public have been urged to trust the measures put in place by authorities.
Dubai’s Ministry of Health and Prevention has also created a doc-series to give people an overview of the Coronavirus.
Health authorities have stressed avoiding close contact with anyone with symptoms of respiratory illness and mass gatherings, no handshakes and nose to nose greetings, washing hands regularly, steering clear of animals, covering mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
There's now a WhatsApp hotline for UAE residents to message for coronavirus concerns

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