Ibidun Ighodalo's brother-in-law pays a powerful tribute to her as she is committed to mother earth today

Someone who is believed to be Pastor Ituah Ighodalo's brother, Wilson Ighodalo took to his Facebook page to pen an emotional tribute to Pastor Ituah's wife, Ibidun Ighodalo as she goes home today.
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He wrote:

A TRIBUTE to my amazing Sister-In-Law (Pastor Mrs. Ibidun IGHODALO), a woman who embodied love and generosity. Today, as your body is lowered into Mother Earth: Matthew 5:4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

My sister-in-law left us shockingly and painfully, at 2:10 am on June 14th. It was an honour and a privilege for me to have a good relationship with her, the last time we spoke was my birthday June 6th, after wishing me well, we spoke on many things, she said don't relent on the cause you champion "Drug Abuse Interventions", I love the cause and the way you are going about it, I read the recent cover page interview you grant THISDAY NEWSPAPERS. She said to me life is about service/serving humanity and making impact. Our laughing and gisting, now I have to refer to you in the past tense. Painful! This is a painful and terrible blow to the IGHODALO family and of course the AJAYI family.

Ibidun was a model of love, compassion and generous until her very last moments with us on earth. Her mission was one that made a great difference in the lives of many people. The great number of people who testified about her life says a lot about the kind of person she was, that's why her departure touched many. She left like she lived: gently, but she did not say goodbye to all of her loved ones, she was always thinking of others until her very last moment. My sister-in-law spent her whole life helping others. She was always there for those who were in need—especially women looking for babies and windows, through her foundation (Ibidun Ighodalo Foundation) or if anyone simply wanted an ear that would listen without judging, condemning, or prejudging.

Her quote "I was ready to do my part to get rid of the stigma attached to childlessness. I wanted people to instead see couples-in-waiting as blessed mothers and fathers of nations" She was a reassuring presence for her mother, of whom she took great care, as well as for her siblings, her friends, her staff, and her whole family. She was well-known and admired by Nigerians right from her days in Unilag as Miss Lux.

Here are some of the qualities that Ibidun Ighodalo mastered:
1. Authenticity
2. Humility
3. Generosity
4. Respect of self & of others
5. Integrity.

She continually expressed love and charity. Her mission was a great one: she taught others around her the importance of loving and of not being afraid of saying it! She can hug for Africa. All of her relationships were transformed by one, single ingredient: LOVE—the most essential ingredient for our time here on earth. The best remedy for a difficult event that turns our lives upside down is to give love freely, and to receive the love that comes to us in return. Because we get back what we give. The death of my sister-in-law has really brought home to me that, when we leave this world, our material things, roles, titles, and riches no longer matter. All that counts when we leave, when we have completed our mission, is that we loved fully, and were loved in return.

I sincerely believe that, when we leave this life, our soul takes this love with it. When you love fully, only then are you truly alive! You get back what you give! We can die having been miserable with others, or we can die having made a difference and leaving beautiful memories in the minds of people. Thinking of IBIDUN automatically brings a smile to the lips of those who knew her because she loved life. She always had a smile.

Thank you, dear Ibidun, for the great privilege of having known you for so many years. I know you are still here among us. Thank you for reminding us that the present moment is precious, and that we should make the most of it by loving fully and generously. Spread your wings and fly proudly, Ibidun Ighodalo. You have earned it! Good night Pastor (Mrs.) Ibidunni Olajumoke IGHODALO. July 18, 1980 - June 14,2020. God knows the best. Your impact can't be forgotten.

Today, as your body is lowered into Mother Earth, your dust goes to dust, I pray that you have a smooth sail into paradise, where there’s no sickness and no pain, but only gain. You ran a good race, lived a useful life, touched the lives of others-including mine, as my sister in-law. I know you all the way till you passed to the great beyond. You were indeed a amazing human being.
The sweet memories are innumerable but almighty God surely kept a record of your good deeds on earth, for which we are thankful and privileged to have experienced.
Your legacies will live forever and keep your memory alive.
Rest on my amazing Sister-in-law.
Image may contain: text
Image may contain: text that says 'Ibidun on earth. model of love, compassion her very last moments with us mission was one that difference the of great number people that's why great people. The testified about her person touched left she to of her loved always thinking of others until moment. she was very My sister-in-law whole life helping others. always there for those ed-especially women looking and her foundation (Ibidun Ighodalo Foundation) anyone simply wanted an would without condemning, or prejudging. do my the stigma attached to childlessness. wanted instead and reassuring presence for her mother, whom she great care, as for her'
Image may contain: text that says 'of whom she great care, as siblings, friends, staff, and family. as her well-known by Nigerians right from days Unilag as Miss Lux. Here some of the qualities that Ibidun Ighodalo mastered: 1. Authenticity 2. Humility Generosity 4. Respect of self & of others 5. Integrity. She continually expressed love and charity. mission great she taught others her the importance of and of not being afraid of saying it! She hug for Africa. All of her relationships were transformed by single ingredient: ingredient for our on remedy to receive a difficult event that turns comes to in return.'
No photo description available.
Image may contain: text that says 'Ighodalo. You have earned Ibidun Olajumoke Good Pastor (Mrs.) IGHODALO. 18, 1980 -June 14,2020. God knows the best. Your impact can't forgotten. Today, as into Mother Earth, your dust goes dust, pray that have a smooth sail paradise, where there's no no pain, but only gain. ran good race, lived lives in-law. the great beyond. You human useful life, touched way till you passed indeed a amazing innumerable but sweet memories God deeds on earth, which we are thankful privileged to have experienced. legacies live forever keep your memory alive. Rest on my amazing Sister-in-law. WILSON IGHODALO. @wilsonighodalo'
Image may contain: 4 people, including Tokunbo Ilupeju, closeup, text that says 'WILSON IGHODALO. @wilsonighodalo'
Image may contain: one or more people, text that says 'Wilson Ighodalo 15 Jun at 15:48 Big brother (Pastor Ituah Ighodalo) please be strong for s..............We need your prayers. Be courageous Papa. It's well with you in Jesus name'
Rest in perfect peace Ibidun!

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