President Trump & Melania Trump test positive for #coronavirus! POTUS set for TV address

President Donald Trump is considering an address to the nation on Friday after the shocking news he and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus.
White House aides have been discussing ways for the president to be seen in public Friday to reassure Americans he is well and still leading the country. And one of those options is a national address, The New York Times reported on Friday. 
The president tweeted the news of his diagnosis shortly before 1am EST Friday, writing: 'Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!' 
Trump is 74 years old and is medically obese, putting him at higher risk of serious complications from the virus. Joe Biden, Trump's 77-year-old opponent who he debated on Tuesday night, is being tested on Friday morning. 
Vice President Mike Pence has tested negative. 
A statement from the White House doctor said both the president and first lady are 'well at this time' but did not say if either have symptoms. If Trump becomes seriously ill, there are constitutional procedures that would allow Vice President Mike Pence to assume power temporarily, just weeks before the November 3 election. But if Trump suffers mild or no symptoms, the president would be able to tout his recovery as evidence that the virus is a less grave threat than many believe. 
Hicks tested positive on Thursday after starting to feel unwell on Wednesday night while traveling back from a rally in Minnesota on Air Force One. The President was on the plane with her but she kept a safe distance from him and others when she started experiencing symptoms. Despite her not feeling well and then testing positive on Thursday, Trump carried on with a packed campaign schedule on Thursday during the day. 
Hicks' diagnosis was kept a secret for 24 hours. 
The President and First Lady will quarantine in the White House.

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