8 Sure Signs Your Long Distant Relation Is Coming To An End

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Being in a long distant relationship isn’t a piece of cake and with the pro’s comes many con’s. It believed that those in long distant relationships tend to break up more than those who see regularly. There’s no proof to back up this statement. Here are some telltale signs that your long distant relationship might be hitting the rocks

1. THERE IS AN ALWAYS EXCUSE: If either of you are constantly making up an excuse to why you cannot talk, it might be a red flag. You can always carve out a #little bit of your day to Skype or call your partner.
Make sure you are not exaggerating how busy you are to get out of communicating.

2. YOU START FOCUSING ON THE NEGATIVES: There must be some reason you are in a long distance relationship.
Some positives of your partner that you love so much you are willing to risk all of the negatives for them.
If you find yourself focusing so much on all the negatives of either your partner or the long distance relationship, then maybe you are not willing to risk it anymore. Long distance relationships are incredibly hard, and it is not uncommon to notice the negatives. But if it is all you can think about for more than a month, that is one of the big signs your long distance relationship ending.

3. YOU START AVOIDING PROBLEM SOLVING: Because you get to choose when to talk to your partner, it is easy to avoid talking to them. You may avoid talking about your problems or communicating at all.
Both are warning signs. A key part of maintaining any relationship is working through your problems. It is important to make sure that you don’t use long distance as an excuse to avoid your problems because it is so easy to stop any communication.

4. THERE IS NO CHAT ABOUT THE FUTURE: If you are in a long distance relationship, you must be dedicated towards a future, or else you wouldn’t put yourself through the tough times that come along with it. If you and your partner stop talking about what the future brings, how can you ever expect your long distance relationship to turn into a close relationship? You should not feel that your relationship has reached its peak when you two are apart.

5. AWKWARDNESS IN PERSON: When you finally get a chance to visit you two should be thrilled! If he looks bored or acts awkward, then there must be a reason behind his strangeness. Maybe he’s just shy, because he’s used to talking to you over electronics, but maybe his feelings for you have changed. Maybe

6.YOU ARE ALWAYS FRUSTRATED: Trust me, I get how frustrating long distance relationships can be. But, if you find yourself constantly annoyed at your partner, frustrated at your relationship, or even frustrated at yourself, it may be one of the signs that your long distance relationship is ending. The whole point of a relationship is to make you happy. If your long distance relationship makes you constantly angry, why remain in it?

7. OVERLY JEALOUS: When you tell a story about a guy/girl that you work with, does your boy/girlfriend flip out? If he/she gets way too jealous anytime you mention another girl/guy, your relationship won’t last long.
Jealousy and long distance relationships don’t mix well. If he/she doesn’t trust you, it’ll be over soon.

8. NO MORE “I LOVE YOU’S”: When you’re in a long distance relationship, words are incredibly important.
Since you can’t hug or kiss your partner, you need to show them you care with your words.
If your boy/girlfriend used to tell you that he loved you every single day, but refuses to say it now, then something’s wrong.

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