Video: It's official & confirmed!! 5 Nigerian men robbed a money exchange in Sharjah, UAE

Initially, TBW was reluctant to post this news as we were uncertain of the authenticity of the news, but on seeing the raid carried out on the alleged robbers by the Sharjah Police (video posted on their official Instagram page), we decided to go ahead and post the sad, shameful news!
Foto Jet 16
Sharjah Police have been praised for foiling an AED2.3m/$631,000 robbery, capturing thieves in a villa in the Emirate and the whole thing has been caught on tape.
The men, all African nationals Nigerians precisely), had used hammers and knives in a robbery at a money exchange and managed to nab the huge amount of cash in just seven minutes.
Sharjah Police were on the hunt for five men and managed to apprehend them all in a raid last week.
The men are now facing trail at a Sharjah Court.

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